Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Echinacea and Lemon and Ginger Soothing Drops

Echinacea and Lemon and Ginger Cough Drops

•    1 cup Herbal Tea, echinacea and lemon
•    1 cup Sugar
•    powdered sugar
•    peeled and chopped ginger about 1/4 cup 

1.    Steep tea bags and ginger for about 10 minutes and strain.
2.    Combine 1 cup of herbal tea with 1 cup of sugar. Make sure you do this on a tall pot so that there is plenty of room for the mixture to boil. Attach a candy thermometer to the side of the pot.
3.    Heat on high heat stirring until the sugar dissolved and then don't touch it.
4.    In the meantime, place a layer of powdered sugar in a shallow pan and make divots to pour the mixture into. I use the handle of a large spatula but anything will do.
5.    Once the mixture reaches 300 remove the pot from the heat, and let it settle so that the foam from boiling subsided.
6.    Then using a small plastic ladle to pour the mixture into the powered sugar.
7.    Allow to cool until firm.
8.    Toss in the powdered sugar to coat and place in an air tight jar.

***Not intended to be construed as medical advice. 

Monday, February 28, 2022

Egg and Honey Face Mask

 Mix together egg white, honey and tea tree essential oil.  Apply to face; rinse after dry with warm water, pat dry.